You’re Fired!

May 10, 2017

Reprising the role he made famous on the TV series “The Apprentice,” President Trump yesterday fired FBI Director James Comey. Among the reasons given for the dismissal was Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation, specifically his announcement in July 2016 that the case should be closed without prosecution. Additionally, Comey’s letter to Congress last October, shortly before Election Day,  regarding newly discovered emails in the same case was deemed inappropriate.

At press time, some cable TV news channels were reporting that Comey learned of his termination from a TV news bulletin. The former FBI Director was in Los Angeles at a Bureau event while a letter informing him of the personnel change was being hand delivered to his office in DC. Comey’s post will be filled by Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe until a permanent replacement is named.

Trump's letter firing FBI Director James Comey - - Mozilla Firefox 5102017 14943 AM

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