The New York Health Act

April 9, 2017

About 35 people gathered across the street from Columbia Presbyterian Hospital Saturday afternoon to show their support for an effort currently underway in Albany to enact a single payer healthcare program for New Yorkers.

S4840 – Summary

Establishes the New York Health program, a comprehensive system of access to health insurance for New York state residents; provides for administrative structure of the plan; provides for powers and duties of the board of trustees, the scope of benefits, payment methodologies and care coordination; establishes the New York Health Trust Fund which would hold monies from a variety of sources to be used solely to finance the plan;  enacts provisions relating to financing of New York Health, including a payroll assessment, similar to the Medicare tax; establishes a temporary commission on implementation of the plan; provides for collective negotiations by health care providers with New York Health.

The Legislative Gazette provides a detailed update on the bill’s status here.

#EMS #Single Payer


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